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Hope When Life Unravels

Why does God allow suffering? And why does God seem to go silent when we’re in pain? In Hope When Life Unravels, Dr. Adam Dooley, pastor and host of the daily radio broadcast A Better Way, searches for answers to our biggest questions about suffering as he shares his son Carson’s story of battling leukemia.

Adam speaks openly about the gut-wrenching struggle his family endured for three years of life-threatening illness and how God met them in their hours of need–even when it wasn’t in the ways they wanted. And, along with his own story, Adam takes readers through the story of Job, unpacking insights about God’s character, his love, and how we can stay connected to him even during seasons of pain.

Both inspiring and comforting, Hope When Life Unravels invites us to draw closer to a God who is often active in our lives in times when we have trouble seeing him the most.

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Praise for Hope When Life Unravels

“Dooley offers help for those who suffer and wonder whether God can be trusted in the dark night of the soul.”

Dr. Erwin Lutzer
Pastor Emeritus at Moody Bible Church (Chicago)

“A gripping story summons believers in Jesus Christ to an unshakable faith in the midst of life’s challenges.”

R. Albert Mohler
President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY)

“His testimony of faith builds up my faith, and I know it will build up yours too.”

Travis Cottrell
Worship Leader and Worship Pastor at Englewood Baptist Church (Jackson, TN)

“A word of hope and reassurance for suffering Christians who cannot understand why God has allowed their pain.”

Dr. Hershael York
Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY)

“Dooley explains how to navigate the stormy seas of life when the waves are high and the winds are strong – only God can steer you safely home.”

James Merritt
Senior Pastor at Cross Pointe Church (Duluth, GA)

“His candor and transparency draw us deeply into this story – even in the darkest storm, the anchor indeed holds strong.”

Kevin Ezell
President of the North American Mission Board (SBC)

Passion In the Pulpit

Biblical exegesis doesn’t stop with the words alone. Faithful preachers exegete the emotion of the text as well.

It’s easy to let our own personalities dictate the emotional dimension of our sermons, but the best preachers mirror the Bible’s emotive intent in their sermons. In Passion in the Pulpit, Jerry Vines and Adam Dooley will teach you how to exegete not just the verbal content of Scripture, but its emotional appeal as well. They show you the role the Bible’s emotional intent should play in each stage of sermon prep, and:

  • Offer exegetical steps to discern the biblical pathos
  • Teach you how to avoid manipulation while making your sermons emotional
  • Help you determine the appropriate limitations of emotional appeal
  • Give you verbal, vocal, and visual techniques to help convey the biblical emotional intent in your sermons

When we elevate the Bible’s emotional intent above our own, we preach truth rather than personality.