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Is Christian Persecution Real?

By Faithfulness, Persecution, Trials No Comments

A recent sermon series through the Beatitudes struck a personal chord with me that I hope echoes throughout our congregation for months into the future. Speaking about life in the family of God, Jesus offers eight specific blessings for His followers that are admittedly counterintuitive. Perhaps the strangest of them all was His final promise, “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:10).”

Reading these words left me asking, “Is Christian persecution real today?” If you listen to much western media you might get the impression that Christians do more persecuting than they receive. Progressive spin commonly casts evangelical believers among the oppressors rather than the oppressed. But is it true?

An honest assessment reveals that Christians remain the single most persecuted group of people in the world. Currently, 14% of Christ followers across the globe, or one out of every seven, suffer high levels of persecution. In Africa that number is as high as 20%, or one out of every five Christians. Across Asia, the numbers are even worse, with 29% of believers (two out of every five) suffering for their faith.

According to the Open Doors watchlist, 2024 witnessed nearly 4500 Christians martyred, nearly 8000 churches or properties attacked, nearly 5000 detained or imprisoned, over 209,000 forced from their homes, and persecuted believers in excess of 380 million. Tragically, Islamic rebels in the Congo beheaded 70 Christians in a church last week in an effort to turn the largely Christian region into an Islamic caliphate.

Despite claims to the contrary, Christianity faces more persecution right now than at any other point in history. The first 1900 years of church history recorded 25 million Christian martyrs who suffered for following Jesus. From 1900-2000, a total of 45 million died for their faith. How are we to understand reports like these, particularly in our American context?

Thankfully, Jesus offered a three-fold definition of persecution to guide our thinking. He says, “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me (Matt. 5:11).” These descriptions are important because a prevalent lie in the United States is that since people are not dying here, Christian persecution does not exist. According to Jesus, such thinking is misguided.

Notice the three carefully chosen words and phrases which define the suffering of saints. Insults refer to openly mocking or shaming people of faith. The same word later appeared to describe Jesus’ suffering on the cross (Matt. 27:38-44). Persecution bears the idea of running after or pursuing with an intent to abuse violently or to prosecute thoroughly. Falsely speaking evil refers to slanderous accusations void of any truth. Neither time nor space will permit me to list the plethora of examples demonstrating these abuses today, but they should be obvious to us all.

At this point, you might be wondering why anyone would treat other human beings in such horrific ways. Two primary reasons for persecution emerge when we carefully examine the words of Jesus. First, Christians will sometimes suffer for the sake of righteousness (Matt. 5:10). The description refers to godly character and conduct. One unspoken modern reality is that genuine righteousness is often an irritant to unbelievers. The godly conduct laid out in the Sermon on the Mount, for example, is often received as an indictment of wickedness.

To help us grasp the principle, the Apostle Peter listed numerous vices that, when resisted, cause offense to those in darkness. He warns that those outside the family of God will pursue a course of sensuality, lusts, drunkenness, carousing, drinking parties and abominable idolatries (1 Peter 4:3). Then he explains, “In all this, they are surprised that you do not run with them into the same excesses of dissipation, and they malign you (1 Peter 4:4).

Have you ever wondered why any talk of sexual purity is mocked incessantly today? Or why resistance to the gay lifestyle is labeled as hate mongering? Is it curious to you that getting drunk, wild parties, and perverted language are commonly celebrated as the good life? And that calling out sin is chided as old-fashioned, or even harmful to society? Do you find it strange that the mere presence of Christians, or the articulation of historical Christian beliefs, is so frequently mocked, derided, and even identified as a threat? This is what Jesus categorized as the sake of righteousness.

Second, Jesus revealed that some will persecute believers simply because of His name. After revealing the previous listed forms of persecution, He admits that all are because of Me (Matt. 5:11). People then, as now, were fine with Jesus being a good, moral teacher, a miracle worker, and even a prophet who spoke truth. The moment He claimed to be God, however, His enemies sought to kill Him and any who chose to follow Him (Matt. 10:21-22).

Similar claims today can lead to just as much trouble. Agreeing that Jesus is a way is fine, as long as you don’t insist that He is THE WAY. Purporting that Jesus told the truth is not offensive, unless you assert that He is THE TRUTH. Crediting Jesus as the founder of Christianity won’t cause consternation, until you maintain that He is THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN. Having a Jesus who is one among other gods will be acceptable to the masses,but those bold enough to declare Him as THE ONLY TRUE GOD will face certain backlash.

Christian persecution is not only real, but also much more prominent that we might initially think. So, what is the silver lining? Joyfully, Jesus assures us that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those have suffered for their faith (Matt. 5:10). Your reward will be great because the faithful have always endured the scorn of this world (Matt. 5:12).

Adam B. Dooley
February 25, 2025

Lessons on the Hardwood

By Church, Faithfulness, Future, Pastor, Sanctification No Comments

For as long as I can remember, I would always trade the pigskin for a round ball without hesitation. Maybe it’s my Kentucky roots. Perhaps it stems from growing up during the Michael Jordan era. Whatever the reason, though, I fell in love with basketball as a boy, partly because I did not need anyone else to play. I lost count how many times I won the Final Four and the NBA Finals just before dinner in my childhood backyard.

Unfortunately, my playing days never rivaled those imaginary successes, but to this day I marvel over the superior athleticism, team strategy, and breakneck speed that takes place on 94 feet of hardwood. With College March Madness just around the corner, high school basketball is winding down and regional tournament brackets are starting to take shape.

The Trinity Christian Academy Lions are unknown to most readers outside the state of Tennessee, but here in our little corner of the world, they are finishing up a historical season that leaves us undefeated in our district for the first time. With two of my sons on the roster, you can understand my excitement. As I watch my kids play the sport I love, I cannot help but to relive part of my childhood and reappreciate so many life lessons I learned from my coaches and teammates. Long before I went to seminary, basketball taught me so much about life and ministry.

Take, for example, the principle that everyone has a role to play. The beauty of a team sport is that no single athlete can succeed alone. This year, a young man named Braydon Waller became the all-time leading scorer at our school, earning him well deserved accolades. Yet, underestimating the impact of less visible contributors on our team is a sure recipe for failure. Because our entire roster learned to function as a single unit, each member now enjoys the team’s success. Doing so requires each player to accept the unique role that most benefits the team.

Who is more important, the shooter who finishes the fast-break or the rebounder who started it? Who is more valuable, the assist leader or the game’s highest scorer? Who is more vital, the defender who keeps points off the scoreboard or the hot hand who adds them? Does the teammate who leads in steals contribute more to victory than the athlete who never turns the ball over? Is the guy who cuts down the lane wide-open more essential than the individual who sets his pick? Can good players strategize without a wise coach?

In a similar way, albeit with a slightly different analogy, the Bible describes the church as the body of Christ made up of various members with different functions (Rom. 12:4-5). Despite the variety, however, we should never attach the value of an individual to their designated assignment within a Christian community (1 Cor. 12:14-26). Some water, others plant, but God works mightily through every Christ follower to accomplish His work (1 Cor. 3:4-7). Ultimately, each believer is invaluable solely because they make up the roster of faith.

Another important lesson basketball has taught me is that everyone can’t be the coach. Throughout our season at Trinity, I have marveled over the stellar leadership of Coach Dexter Williams. Our team plays suffocating, full-court defense, shoots the three like a college team, and runs like a well-oiled machine, largely because we have a coach who won’t settle for less. His ability to get the most out of every player is inspiring. Like my sons, I also benefitted from great coaching growing up. This past week I learned that my former high school coach, Tony Cox, will soon be inducted into the Madison County Sports Hall of Fame in Richmond, Kentucky. His approach was different, but I still benefit from his investment in my life.

We should not overlook, however, that even the greatest coaches receive their share of criticism. You always have parents who would do it differently, most likely to benefit their children. It’s easy for critics to question calls after the buzzer sounds or to change strategies with the benefit of hindsight. When the pressure of the moment subsides, everyone is great coach. But few can handle the constant pressure leading on the sideline brings.

Pastors face similar challenges. Everyone has opinions about how the church should function, but everyone cannot, and should not, be a pastor.  The unique role of leading people spiritually is a special calling assigned by God Himself (Eph. 4:11-12). In addition to the required character qualities (1 Tim. 3:1-7), the Bible plainly states that not all should desire to teach the Word because those who do will face stricter judgment (James 3:1). For these reasons, Scripture admonishes believers to submit to the guidance of godly spiritual leaders without the constant grief of second-guessing them (Heb. 13:7, 17).

Finally, basketball taught me that yesterday’s victories don’t guarantee success today. I don’t yet know how the season will end for my Trinity Lions, but I am certain that the achievements of this season do not promise any success going forward. Staying hungry and continuing to reach for the next milestone is key for any successful team.

The stakes are higher in real life, but the priority remains the same. In order to take hold of what was ahead, the Apostle Paul insisted that he chose to forget what was behind him (Phil. 3:12-14). Letting go of the past is the key to continued growth and sanctification.

Yesterday’s sin often intimidates us, making it difficult for us to accept God’s forgiveness and live in victory. Previous suffering sometimes angers us, birthing a root of bitterness and suspicion in our soul. Perhaps most challenging of all, former successes can leave us wishing for our glory days, blinding us to what God desires to do in our lives today. Unshackling ourselves from the past is essential for living by God’s design in the present and future.

Adam B. Dooley
February 12, 2025

The Future is Sooner than You Think

By Christian Living, Faithfulness, Future, Salvation, Sanctification No Comments

“The older you get, the faster the time goes.”

Those were the words of my grandmother at the beginning of a new year when I was just a boy. While the speed of time doesn’t actually change as we age, I understand much better now what she meant. As we age, days and weeks blur together. Months and seasons seamlessly intertwine. The longer you live the more difficult it becomes to distinguish between years and decades.

As 2025 begins to unfold, two biblical lessons regarding time emerge that will help us navigate whatever is ahead. Tucked away in the book of James is a powerful verse that has guided me well over the years. The Bible simply says, “You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away (James 4:14).” In other words, the only certainties in life are its unpredictability and its brevity.

There is a Blindness to Life

None of us know what the future holds. In 1958 a new house was just $12,000; a new car was $2155; a movie ticket was $1; a stamp was 4 cents; and a gallon of gas was just 24 cents. For those of you who lived back then, did you ever imagine life would be like it is today? Frankly, sometimes it feels like there is no rhyme or reason to what unfolds on a daily basis. Life is full of many good days, for which we are thankful, but the years bring many hard days, too.

We anticipate having children, but not miscarriages. We expect golden anniversaries, but not divorces. We look forward to milestones and accomplishments, but we never daydream about funerals. We hope for laughter, but we don’t foresee all the tears. Intrinsic to James’ instruction is the need to live every day to the fullest. Simply put, if you’re always waiting for tomorrow, you might be terribly disappointed when it arrives.

There is a Brevity to Life

Even worse, though, than the uncertainty of life is its brevity. The Scripture compares our time on earth to a vapor that appears for just brief time. We are like the morning dew that is gone by noon. Like steam from a stove that disappears in an instant. One day you’re young, the next day you’re old. One day you start your first job, the next day you’re retiring. No matter how much we try, we cannot slow time down.

If we aren’t careful, our best plans will slip away from us and never materialize. Most of us fall victim to the lie that we have all the time in the world to turn our good intentions into reality. Thus, James 4:16 adds, “As it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil.” Regarding our relationship with God, these deceptions can be devastating. We often comfort ourselves with time we may not have.

I’ll get serious about my walk with God—tomorrow.

I’ll read my Bible and pray more—tomorrow.

I’ll share my faith with my friend—tomorrow.

I’ll take my church membership more seriously—tomorrow.

I’ll serve my community more—tomorrow.

Unfortunately, as the old song says, far too often tomorrow never comes. Every second, 3 people die. Every minute, 180 people die. Every hour, 11,000 people die. Every day, 260,000 people die. Every year, 95 million people die. Most of these people had one thing in common—they never thought it would happen to them. Even as you read these words, you might be thinking, “You tell THEM, pastor!”

What is the lesson here for all of us?

The time to know God, love God, and serve God is NOW. Any priorities we are putting off until later need to move up on our to-do list. And if I may, can I tell you what God wants most from you? Scripture admonishes us that today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2). And what does this mean? Today is the day to call on the name of the Lord and be saved (Rom. 10:13).

Saved from what, you ask? In a word—sin. Romans 3:23 declares, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” and Romans 6:23 explains, “the wages of sin is death.” So, today is the day to look upon Christ who died on the cross and was raised from the dead in order to take our sins away. In fact, Romans 10:9 celebrates, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Why not give your life to Jesus, today?

Adam B. Dooley
January 6, 2025

The Danger of False Positives

By Christian Living, Discipleship, Faithfulness, Grace, Liberalism, Peace, Pluralism, Truth, Uncategorized No Comments

Though it’s been several years ago now, I still remember one of the more exciting trips to St. Jude Hospital with my son during his battle with childhood leukemia. Back in those days we lived in Mobile, Alabama, requiring us to fly for weekly chemotherapy in Memphis. Over a three-year period, we made 128 consecutive trips in order to jumpstart and protect my son’s remission from cancer.

While passing through security on our return trip, a Ziploc bag containing a bottle of medication tested positive for a small amount of glycerin, which can be used to make explosives. Quickly, TSA workers surrounded us with a bomb sniffing dog. They pulled us aside and began a battery of tests. Thankfully, our faces were familiar and employees recognized us. My son’s glistening, bald head gave away our recent trip to the hospital

Still, it was only after several minutes of awkward suspicion and investigation that we were allowed to pass through the security checkpoint. Turns out it was a false positive caused by a melting icepack that was cooling the medication. The whole ordeal got me to thinking about the misleading consequences of false impressions, which can leave us happy or scared depending on what they report.

For example, you might be overjoyed initially only to be disappointed later if a pregnancy test falsely reveals that the child you’ve prayed for is on the way. Or, you might be immediately frightened when airport security suspects foul play as you travel, even if you are able to laugh about it afterward. The problem, though, is that neither reaction is trustworthy. False positives are dangerous because they invite us to live outside of reality based upon something that is not true.

Unfortunately, American Christianity has its share of false positives. Many Bible teachers are anxious to assure their listeners that God’s primary goal is our personal happiness. Others insist that hell cannot be real because a loving God would never allow anyone to go there. Notions of remaining in sin while following Jesus is the most damning false positive of all. These untruthful assertions are usually received with enthusiasm, but they create a false narrative about WHO Jesus is and WHAT He came to do.

The historical reality that God would sacrifice His Son to deal with our sin problem is insulting to some and downright barbaric to others. Retired Methodist theologian, William Willimon, fairly critiqued, “If you listen to much of our preaching, you get the impression that Jesus was some sort of itinerant therapist who, for free, traveled about helping people feel better.”

Thankfully, Jesus had a way of turning our temporal ambitions on their head in order to focus on what we really need. Take, for example, the familiar story of Jesus healing the paralytic (Matt. 9:1-8). Without question, this man’s burdens were significant. He could not walk, eat, or bathe without the help of others and, by consequence, he was an outcast in society. We can hardly blame his friends for attempting to help him.

Rather than heal the man immediately, though, Jesus said to him, “Take courage, son; your sins are forgiven (Matt. 9:2).” By doing so, Jesus reminded us that our temporal burdens are merely symptoms of our greatest needs. He is not a Savior who came to improve the quality of our lives (though He often does), but who came to forgive our sins. Yet, popular false positives deceive us into believing that God solving our earthly problems is more important than His addressing our eternal condition.

Because the scribes accused Jesus of blasphemy (Matt. 9:3), He immediately exposed their blindness with a piercing question. Is it easier to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” or “Get up, and walk (Matt. 9:5)?” Amazingly, Jesus chose to heal the paralytic in order to demonstrate His authority to forgive sins, not distract from it (Matt. 9:6). The real goal was much bigger than the man’s physical healing. In fact, had Jesus only forgiven the paralytic’s transgressions it would have solved his greatest threat.

I am not suggesting that we should not seek God’s intervention when trials come. During my son’s fight against cancer, I repeatedly begged the Lord to heal him. Yet, we often equate our present comforts as an indicator of our eternal health. Our desperation for temporary relief from earthly troubles often far exceeds our concern about spiritual matters. Even worse, we sometimes reduce God’s faithfulness to His meeting our immediate needs.

God, show me a miracle and prove you’re real.

God, answer this prayer and prove you’re real.

God, give me what I want and prove you’re real.

God, heal me and prove you’re real.

God, open this door and prove you’re real

Tragically, expressions of temporary grace often grip us more than eternal realities. Our need for forgiveness, though, is so urgent that we ought to be willing to lose this life entirely in order to receive it from Christ (Matt. 16:24-27). Nothing is more necessary, and nothing is more remarkable than the glorious truth that Jesus would come to seek and to save the lost!

Adam B. Dooley
November 29, 2024

Our Common Problem

By Christian Living, Discipleship, Faithfulness, Grace, Peace, Sanctification, Sin, Uncategorized No Comments

The small town of Centralia, Pennsylvania, is dying. Literally. A place that used to be home to over 1,000 residents reported a population of just five people in the 2020 census. But why are people fleeing the quaint community? For years the town has been home to several underground coal mines. Unexpectedly, in 1962, a fire began in one of those mines that is still aflame today. Beneath the surface, a hidden inferno is still consuming a particularly slow-burning type of coal that experts expect to simmer for another 250 years! Both the depth and the heat of the fire make it impossible to put out.

As a result, there are hot spots, buckled highways, and parched grass. Most of the buildings in Centralia have already collapsed. Residents permitted to stay are under a court order not to pass their property down to the next generation. The fire and gases are destroying everything good about the hidden borough three hours west of New York City.

Temptation is like that. Deep within all of us at an unseen level there is a burning desire to rebel against God. The fires of enticement want to consume everything good and holy in your life, sometimes even resulting in an abandoned walk with God. No matter how hard we try, the fires of temptation will burn throughout the entirety of our lives.

Most people respond to temptation in one of three ways. Some will just give in to it and reason, “If it feels good do it!” Others will fight hard against it but repeatedly lose the battle. These are those who yield to sin, feel guilty for doing so, and vow to never succumb again, only to renege hours or days later. But some will overcome temptation by the grace of Jesus Christ. Obviously, most want to be in the latter category. But how do we get there? Let me suggest three realities about temptation we must recognize in order to be victorious.


The Bible says in 1 Cor. 10:13a: No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man. That means all people everywhere will face temptation. We need to admit that none of us are exempt from the allurement of sin. Furthermore, temptation in and of itself is not sinful if we do not yield to it.

• Adam and Eve were tempted in the Garden of Eden.
• Israel was tempted in the wilderness.
• David was tempted in the palace.
• Peter was tempted in Jerusalem.
• Even Jesus was tempted in the desert.

The commonness of temptation also means that our allurements are not unique. Regardless of how we feel, there is nothing new under the sun. You are not the only person who in the history of the world who has struggled with whatever is seducing your heart.


The Bible goes on to say that God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it (1 Cor. 10:13b). We often mistakenly assume that those who do not give into temptation know nothing of its power. The opposite is really true. Those who surrender to temptation the most actually know the least about the full burden and challenge it brings. We yield to what pulls our heart away from God because of the desire to find relief from our struggle. When we resist, though, the battle persists with annoyances that do not go away. Yet, this is the narrow road God calls believers to walk. We won’t always succeed in our efforts, but victory rather than defeat should be the pattern of our lives.


If we are to endure in faith, we should always be looking for the way escape when we are tempted. The idea is not the God will help us to avoid temptations, but that He will walk with us through them, helping us to persevere. Sometimes we give the false impression that if a Christian loves God, all their previous worldly inclinations will immediately disappear. While some experience that kind of dramatic deliverance, what is more common is the daily battle to resist lifestyles that on contrary to God’s design.

The way of escape is trusting God who promises to help us overcome. It means allowing the Lord, not the culture, to define right and wrong for us. It means that sometimes we run away from people, situations, or circumstances that cause us to stumble. It means we proactively fill our minds with Scripture, remind ourselves of the gospel, and seek the Lord in prayer. It means that we recall how vulnerable we are and continually pledge our hearts to Christ. The question is not will God provide a way of escape to prevent our waywardness, but will we be looking for it instead?

Adam B. Dooley
November 19, 2024

A Prayer and Promise for Our Nation

By America, Faithfulness, Politics, Prayer No Comments

I cannot remember a more heated presidential election in my lifetime. The stakes are so high that folks on both sides of the political aisle are anxious and afraid concerning the future. With only a few days remaining before we choose our next leader, I find myself offering a simple prayer on behalf of our nation while, at the same time, holding on to an eternal promise in order to steady my heart.

With confidence that God hears the cries of His people, I am asking the Lord the be merciful and lead us back to our national roots. Despite the efforts of many historical revisionists anxious to deny the spiritual influences that helped to birth our nation, the seeds of our budding republic were watered by the principles of Christianity.

The earliest pilgrims who came to these lands in 1620 stated their purpose on the Mayflower Compact as being “for the glory of God and for the advancement of the Christian faith.” These ambitions soon led to a Declaration of Independence, where America’s founders recognized that only our Creator can endow the basic human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You could say that our independence from another country was only as good as our dependence upon Almighty God.

The father of our US Constitution and fourth president of our nation, James Madison, said unapologetically, “We’ve staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government. Far from it. We have staked the future upon the capacity of each and every one of us to govern ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the 10 commandments of God.” Our seventh president, Andrew Jackson, similarly declared, “The Bible is the rock upon
which our republic stands.”

Our drift away from convictions like these is so stark today that many will label similar statements as dangerous and extreme! The same Judeo-Christian values that gave rise to our flourishing nation are repeatedly maligned and dismissed. Our unstable economy, compromised security, secularized media, and growing government are all symptoms of a nation in rebellion against its Creator.

We have forgotten the biblical reality that “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people (Prov. 14:34).” Apart from a spiritual awakening, our country is deep trouble. I am asking God to humble us and bring us to repentance. While I do not believe that this year’s presidential election is inconsequential, neither do I accept that a new leader in the White House is the only solution we need.

Thus, even as I intercede on behalf of the land that I love, I do so remembering an eternal principle that overrules every election cycle. Namely, God is sovereign over all governments, no matter who leads them. He establishes all governmental authority in order to accomplish His purposes (Rom. 13:1).

Sometimes He raises up godly leaders to be a conduit of His blessings on a people. Or, He may choose a wicked ruler as a means of judgment on a citizenry. Our tendency to believe that God loses when an unbeliever wins an election or makes bad decisions is patently false. The Bible doesn’t suggest that God tolerates wicked leadership despite His desires otherwise, but that He ordains leadership according to His greater plan.

Take for example, a wicked Pharaoh who became a testimony of God’s glory throughout the earth (Rom. 9:7). Then there was the first king over Israel, who God appointed as an act of judgment against them (1 Sam. 10:1; 10:18). Thankfully, the same God later chose David (1 Sam. 16:12) to establish the throne of the Messiah and bless the nations forever. But in both instances, the Lord can, and did, use good and evil leaders to achieve His goals for history.

In other words, there has never been, nor will there ever be, panic in heaven over our political woes. God establishes all authority that exists. Or, to use scriptural language, He changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings (Dan. 2:21). No matter who our next president might be, the Lord remains thoroughly purposeful and perfectly in control.

Do you remember what Jesus said before Pilate? No governmental atrocity in history compares to the reckless, shortsighted decision to crucify the Son of God. Yet, Jesus refused to wilt in the face of the injustice unfolding before Him because He understood God the Father was sovereign and the cross was necessary. Therefore, with confidence our Savior declared to Pilate, “You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above; for this reason he who delivered Me to you has the greater sin (John 19:11).”

Don’t be fooled by the corruption of Washington, D.C. or the genuine disappointment you feel toward our politicians – God is still in control. I refuse to tremble in the shadow of a misguided electorate when the Lord of heaven and earth reigns on high. The kingdom of Christ marches on even as the nations of the earth rise and fall. When the principles of liberty and freedom are in jeopardy, God’s plan and purposes are not.

Don’t misunderstand, Christians have a sacred obligation to live out our faith in the public square and to vote according to Scriptural guidelines. I cast my ballot early and pray people of faith will flood the polls on election day. Additionally, we should work with our whole hearts for the betterment of our community and our nation. Even as we do, however, we should continually remind ourselves that this world is not our home.

Like Abraham, we desire a better country that only eternity can provide (Heb. 11:16). We are looking for a city whose architect and builder is God (Heb. 11:10). I don’t ever want to be so at home here that there is no longing in my heart for the world that is to come. We must be sure that our current lament over the direction of our nation is not a reflection of misplaced treasure rather than a biblical love for country (Matt. 6:19-21). My heart breaks for America, but it does not belong to it. So, no matter what this next election brings, I rest knowing that the Lord is not shaken.


Adam B. Dooley
October 29, 2024

The Beautiful Symbol of Marriage

By Attributes of God, Faithfulness, Grace, Marriage, Sin, Trials No Comments

The Beautiful Symbol of Marriage

Not long ago I officiated a wedding ceremony that followed the predictable theme of faithfulness. I, groom, take you bride, to be my wedded wife. I promise to love you, comfort you, honor and keep you, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to you so long as we both shall live. Soon, the bride pledged the same loyalty to her new husband.

In one sense these words are unremarkable because of their familiarity. Their implications, however, are not only practically profound but also theologically instructive. Because every groom is a picture of Christ in the home (Eph. 5:25-33) and every bride a reminder of the church (Eph. 5:22-24), marriage clearly and powerfully depicts the faithfulness of God toward His people.

I do. I will. I promise.

Vows such as these are more than a pattern to which a man and woman aspire; they are a picture of the abiding commitment of the Lord toward those who know Him. So great is God’s love for His own that He remains faithful to us even though we sometimes stray from Him (James 4:4-5). These themes reverberate in the Old and New Testaments alike. We are to declare (Ps. 89:1), celebrate (Psalm 89:8), and rest in (1 Thess. 5:23-24) God’s faithfulness for His people.

Seem too good to be true? Need an example from Scripture? Look no farther than God’s reassurance of Israel amidst their Babylonian exile. Remember, they suffered at the hands of a foreign enemy because of their sinful idolatry and wickedness (Isa. 3). Yet, the Lord remained faithful to the Jews and promised to redeem them (Isa. 43:1). In addition, Yahweh insisted that He would be with them (43:2); that He was their God (43:3); that they were precious to Him (43:4); that He loved them (43:4); and that He take care of them (43:5). God was faithful even when His people were not.

Remarkably, through the sacrifice of His Son, God offers the same assurance to us! Like ancient Israel, we are often blind to the heart of our God, deaf to His Word, and oblivious to His ways. Yet, when we are faithless, He remain faithful because He cannot deny Himself (2 Tim. 2:13). Those who call upon the name of Jesus Christ in repentance and faith have the joy of being sons and daughters of the God who is unwavering in His commitment to us.

Beyond God’s expressed love for His children is His explicit plan for those who follow Him. Though often a mystery to us, His agenda is bigger than the immediate needs that press upon our lives.

            What career path should we choose?

            Who should we marry?

            Where should we live?

            How can we ease the common burdens that arise?

Questions and struggles like these are not insignificant, but they are not ultimate either. When God seems silent on present matters that consume us, He remains faithful to His eternal ordering of our lives. He is not less purposeful when we do not understand Him, nor is He less concerned when we do not grasp His ways. But how can we be sure?

Revisiting an exiled Israel again reassures us. God not only promised to love His people, but to work on their behalf by gathering them from the four corners of the earth (Isa. 43:5-7). Most immediately, these verses pointed to the end of Jewish exile and their return from Babylon to their homeland. The fuller implication, though, is that one day God will gather His people from every nation, tribe, and tongue to live with Him in a New Heaven and Earth (Rev. 5:9-10; 7:9-10). In other words, their immediate need and its solution was part of a greater plan and reality that was coming.

The same is true for us.

During our greatest victories, God is working. When we grieve our darkest moments, God is still working. When we battle anxiety, He continues working. When we rebel and when we repent, He is working still. His eternal purposes for the redeemed are more wonderful than you can imagine, more comprehensive than you can see, and more significant than you can fathom. Even when the past is a roadmap for the future, God is always doing something new that can only be described as a faithful expression of His love (Isa. 43:18-20).

God will always be faithful, ultimately, because His name is at stake. The key, however, is that we pledge ourselves to Christ as a bride who adores her groom. How do we do it? By numbering ourselves with the redeemed who call out to God in repentance and faith. Our confidence is in the purifying work of the Savior who sought a people to be His own possession (Tit. 2:14). Then, and only then, can we experience the abundant, abiding faithfulness of the only true God.

Adam B. Dooley

October 12, 2024