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Should Christians Fast?

By Prayer, Sanctification No Comments

Mention the word “fast” today and the conversation might turn to the speed of light, the stride of a cheetah, or someone’s internet connection. Refusing to eat, however, is usually the furthest thing from our minds. In his book, The Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster says that in a land filled with Golden Arches and pizza temples it seems strange to talk about fasting.

Surprisingly, though, Scripture has much to say about the spiritual benefits of taking a break from food. The practice was so familiar to Jewish believers that they incorporated civic fasts into their New Year celebrations, Day of Atonement observances, and national tragedy commemorations. Though the concept is somewhat foreign to us, it was commonplace in ancient Israel. Fasting appears 75 times in the Bible, with 44 and 31 verses in the Old and New Testaments respectively.

You’ll find examples of fasts that lasted for three, seven, fourteen, twenty-one, and forty days in God’s Word, but the most common was from sunrise to sundown. Moses, David, Daniel, Esther, Nehemiah, and Ezra fasted under the Old Covenant. Likewise, John the Baptist, Paul, Barnabas, and Jesus Himself fasted though the Law was fulfilled. The early church continued seeking the Lord in this unique way after Jesus ascended back to heaven (Acts 13:2-3).

Christians throughout history, such as Martin Luther, Jonathan Edwards, and Charles Spurgeon, have followed suit as well. America’s founding fathers on the Mayflower spent an entire day fasting and praying before coming ashore. Interestingly, Jesus introduces the subject by assuming that believers of all ages would continue the spiritual custom. He does not say, “If you fast . . .,” but “Whenever you fast . . .” while discussing the subject in His Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 6:16).

So, what are the benefits of fasting today?

First, fasting helps us to humble ourselves before the Lord. Many have suggested that abstaining from television, social media, or internet surfing can be helpful, and I don’t disagree. But nothing reminds us of our constant need of and dependence upon the Lord like refraining from food for a period of time. King David identified fasting as his method for humbling his soul as he sought God. Hunger pains are a physical reminder for us to pray and lay our burdens before our Savior.

Second, fasting enables us to repent of sin and overcome weaknesses. Pride, greed, malice, and self-centeredness seem to melt away when we take time to focus on God apart from the busyness of life. When accompanied with weeping and mourning, fasting is a powerful means of sanctification that breaks the cycle of returning to temptations that plague us (Joel 2:12). Just as the people of Nineveh forsook their transgressions through a national fast and lament, we, too, ought to express genuine repentance through intentional restraint from eating.

Third, fasting is also an appropriate method for discerning the will of God. The Apostle Paul went from city to city appointing elders, but only after fasting and praying (Acts 14:23). Identifying God’s direction and pursuing it with diligence often only comes after the focus that accompanies this spiritual discipline. If you have a big decision ahead, you should definitely consider a fast.

Finally, fasting fosters greater intimacy with the Lord, unleashing His presence in our lives. Replacing time typically devoted to food preparation and consumption with increased focus on prayer and fellowship with God invites Him into our lives in a unique way. No wonder a widow privileged to see the baby Jesus in the temple prioritized fasting just as she did prayer (Luke 2:37). Anyone longing to experience God in fresh way will benefit from this sacred act of devotion.

How we fast, though, is just as important as our commitment to do so. To avoid hypocrisy, Jesus implored Christians to avoid drawing attention to themselves by altering their appearance (Matt. 6:16). Pharisees were notorious for fashioning old clothing, covering their heads in ashes, and wearing painful looks on their faces so that others would notice or ask if they were fasting. Such self-promotion defeats the purpose of seeking God in the first place.

Thus, Jesus instructs genuine believers to anoint their heads and wash their faces in order to avoid being noticed by others (Matt. 6:16-17). Make themselves presentable, in other words. Those who trumpet and parade their good works lose their reward as soon as the attention and applause of men stops.

Practically, consulting with your physician before an extended fast is always a good idea. In addition, a number of great resources, such as Ronnie Floyd’s The Supernatural Power of Prayer and Fasting, offer helpful guidance about the ins and outs of what to expect as you proceed. Be sure to devote extra time for prayer and Scripture reading during your fast. Why not start preparing today?

Adam B. Dooley
March 4, 2025

Lessons on the Hardwood

By Church, Faithfulness, Future, Pastor, Sanctification No Comments

For as long as I can remember, I would always trade the pigskin for a round ball without hesitation. Maybe it’s my Kentucky roots. Perhaps it stems from growing up during the Michael Jordan era. Whatever the reason, though, I fell in love with basketball as a boy, partly because I did not need anyone else to play. I lost count how many times I won the Final Four and the NBA Finals just before dinner in my childhood backyard.

Unfortunately, my playing days never rivaled those imaginary successes, but to this day I marvel over the superior athleticism, team strategy, and breakneck speed that takes place on 94 feet of hardwood. With College March Madness just around the corner, high school basketball is winding down and regional tournament brackets are starting to take shape.

The Trinity Christian Academy Lions are unknown to most readers outside the state of Tennessee, but here in our little corner of the world, they are finishing up a historical season that leaves us undefeated in our district for the first time. With two of my sons on the roster, you can understand my excitement. As I watch my kids play the sport I love, I cannot help but to relive part of my childhood and reappreciate so many life lessons I learned from my coaches and teammates. Long before I went to seminary, basketball taught me so much about life and ministry.

Take, for example, the principle that everyone has a role to play. The beauty of a team sport is that no single athlete can succeed alone. This year, a young man named Braydon Waller became the all-time leading scorer at our school, earning him well deserved accolades. Yet, underestimating the impact of less visible contributors on our team is a sure recipe for failure. Because our entire roster learned to function as a single unit, each member now enjoys the team’s success. Doing so requires each player to accept the unique role that most benefits the team.

Who is more important, the shooter who finishes the fast-break or the rebounder who started it? Who is more valuable, the assist leader or the game’s highest scorer? Who is more vital, the defender who keeps points off the scoreboard or the hot hand who adds them? Does the teammate who leads in steals contribute more to victory than the athlete who never turns the ball over? Is the guy who cuts down the lane wide-open more essential than the individual who sets his pick? Can good players strategize without a wise coach?

In a similar way, albeit with a slightly different analogy, the Bible describes the church as the body of Christ made up of various members with different functions (Rom. 12:4-5). Despite the variety, however, we should never attach the value of an individual to their designated assignment within a Christian community (1 Cor. 12:14-26). Some water, others plant, but God works mightily through every Christ follower to accomplish His work (1 Cor. 3:4-7). Ultimately, each believer is invaluable solely because they make up the roster of faith.

Another important lesson basketball has taught me is that everyone can’t be the coach. Throughout our season at Trinity, I have marveled over the stellar leadership of Coach Dexter Williams. Our team plays suffocating, full-court defense, shoots the three like a college team, and runs like a well-oiled machine, largely because we have a coach who won’t settle for less. His ability to get the most out of every player is inspiring. Like my sons, I also benefitted from great coaching growing up. This past week I learned that my former high school coach, Tony Cox, will soon be inducted into the Madison County Sports Hall of Fame in Richmond, Kentucky. His approach was different, but I still benefit from his investment in my life.

We should not overlook, however, that even the greatest coaches receive their share of criticism. You always have parents who would do it differently, most likely to benefit their children. It’s easy for critics to question calls after the buzzer sounds or to change strategies with the benefit of hindsight. When the pressure of the moment subsides, everyone is great coach. But few can handle the constant pressure leading on the sideline brings.

Pastors face similar challenges. Everyone has opinions about how the church should function, but everyone cannot, and should not, be a pastor.  The unique role of leading people spiritually is a special calling assigned by God Himself (Eph. 4:11-12). In addition to the required character qualities (1 Tim. 3:1-7), the Bible plainly states that not all should desire to teach the Word because those who do will face stricter judgment (James 3:1). For these reasons, Scripture admonishes believers to submit to the guidance of godly spiritual leaders without the constant grief of second-guessing them (Heb. 13:7, 17).

Finally, basketball taught me that yesterday’s victories don’t guarantee success today. I don’t yet know how the season will end for my Trinity Lions, but I am certain that the achievements of this season do not promise any success going forward. Staying hungry and continuing to reach for the next milestone is key for any successful team.

The stakes are higher in real life, but the priority remains the same. In order to take hold of what was ahead, the Apostle Paul insisted that he chose to forget what was behind him (Phil. 3:12-14). Letting go of the past is the key to continued growth and sanctification.

Yesterday’s sin often intimidates us, making it difficult for us to accept God’s forgiveness and live in victory. Previous suffering sometimes angers us, birthing a root of bitterness and suspicion in our soul. Perhaps most challenging of all, former successes can leave us wishing for our glory days, blinding us to what God desires to do in our lives today. Unshackling ourselves from the past is essential for living by God’s design in the present and future.

Adam B. Dooley
February 12, 2025

The Secret of Satisfaction

By Holiness, Righteousness, Sanctification, Satisfaction No Comments

Jesus’ continual use of metaphors throughout the gospel powerfully anchored truth to our hearts in a way that cold prose seldom do. His principled images left lasting impressions that still resonate with us today, albeit in varying degrees that may differ from His original audiences.

Take for example, Jesus’ powerful reminder that a blessed person is one who hungers and thirsts after righteousness (Matt. 5:6). As the fourth in a series of Beatitudes, this statement builds upon the previous promises shared in order to describe the lives of those who know God. The righteousness Jesus emphasizes here is more practical than positional.

On the one hand, Scripture teaches that at the moment of salvation, God declares a person to be righteous because of the imputed purity of His Son. Simply put, Jesus took our sins upon Himself while hanging on the cross in order to place His holy perfection upon us (Rom. 5:19). When a person repents of sin and calls out to Christ for forgivness, he receives a new position in which God sees him as righteous (Phil. 3:9). Christians often refer to this as justification.

On the other hand, God works in our lives through a process called sanctification as well. How we live is a reflection of who we are. Thus, because the One who called us is holy, we should seek to be holy in all our behavior (1 Pet. 1:15). We should work out practically what God has declared about us positionally (Phil 2:12-13). Outward life change has always been the greatest evidence of inward transformation.

Rather than simply saying, “Seek to be as righteous as you can,” Jesus taps into the most basic of human needs in order to drive His point home. Hungering for righteousness makes sense to us because we sometimes use the same analogy today. We sometimes refer to an up-and-coming business man as being hungry to succeed. We view politicians as being hungry for power. In our minds, the best athletes are those we are hungry to win.

The reality, though, is that not all hunger is created equal. The full weight of Jesus’ metaphor is often lost on us because most Americans know little about starvation. In a world of Hot Eats, Cool Treats, thinking outside the bun, and Golden Arches on every corner, most of us have no meaningful concept of hunger. Yet, nearly every Jew who heard Jesus’ statement likely had a visceral reaction.

Famine and malnourishment were far too common in first century Judea. The Old Testament records a food shortage that was so severe that people in Samaria bartered for donkey heads and dove dung while mothers negotiated to cannibalize their children (2 Kgs. 6:25-29). Void of experiences like these, we might associate hunger with craving something to eat rather than being desperate for sustenance. There is a big difference.

Coach Bryan Bartley helps us see the distinction by describing athletes. “A hungry athlete,” he says, “will hunt and find food, cook it, devour it, and if they have high character, they will clean the kitchen after they are finished. A hungry athlete will find a place to work out and play, they will find a way on the team, and they’ll find a way to make an impact no matter what gets in their way.”

By contrast, “A person who just wants to eat will have a cabinet or refrigerator full of food but will sit at home and wait for someone to cook it for them, and if it isn’t cooked the way they want it to be cooked, they won’t eat it. An athlete who just wants to eat will work out when you make them, but only if you make them because they aren’t hungry enough to make themselves.”

Herein is the profound lesson behind Jesus’ metaphor. Spiritually speaking, are you hungry, or do you just want something to eat? Far too many want the benefit of knowing about God, but have very little desire to walk with Him daily. We love to give the impression of understanding the Bible, yet we frequently lack the concern or commitment to obey it. Those who are willing to digest a sermon on Sunday are not necessarily willing to prepare spiritual food for themselves during the week. God is looking for those who are profoundly hungry for righteousness.

In an effort to solidify His message further, Jesus employs the image of thirsting for righteousness as well. Again, our freedom to turn on the tap any time we need running water fights against our appreciation for the profundity of the lesson here.

Imagine walking across the dessert with empty water jugs and a mouth as dry as cotton. Or suppose you wake up in the middle of the night feeling ill, your lips are chapped, your voice is hoarse, and your tongue is dry. Think about the difficulty of eating an entire meal with nothing to wash your food down, and then, envision doing so for weeks. Like a deer that pants for water in the wilderness, we should thirst for God and His righteousness (Psa. 42:1-2).

And what is the reward for doing so? Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” The only way to find lasting joy, eternal purpose, and complete satisfaction in life is by living as God desires each and every day. In fact, every temptation we face is nothing more than a deceptive invitation to find fulfillment outside of God’s will. Don’t fall for the world’s lies. Hunger and thirst for righteousness and you will find greater satisfaction than you’ve ever known.

Do these images describe you? Are you always looking to obey the Lord? Are you continually desperate to be more like Christ? Are you repeatedly eager to give more of yourself to the God? Are you hungry, or do you just want something to eat? Are you thirsty, or do you just want a drink in your hand?

Adam B. Dooley
January 28, 2025

The Future is Sooner than You Think

By Christian Living, Faithfulness, Future, Salvation, Sanctification No Comments

“The older you get, the faster the time goes.”

Those were the words of my grandmother at the beginning of a new year when I was just a boy. While the speed of time doesn’t actually change as we age, I understand much better now what she meant. As we age, days and weeks blur together. Months and seasons seamlessly intertwine. The longer you live the more difficult it becomes to distinguish between years and decades.

As 2025 begins to unfold, two biblical lessons regarding time emerge that will help us navigate whatever is ahead. Tucked away in the book of James is a powerful verse that has guided me well over the years. The Bible simply says, “You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away (James 4:14).” In other words, the only certainties in life are its unpredictability and its brevity.

There is a Blindness to Life

None of us know what the future holds. In 1958 a new house was just $12,000; a new car was $2155; a movie ticket was $1; a stamp was 4 cents; and a gallon of gas was just 24 cents. For those of you who lived back then, did you ever imagine life would be like it is today? Frankly, sometimes it feels like there is no rhyme or reason to what unfolds on a daily basis. Life is full of many good days, for which we are thankful, but the years bring many hard days, too.

We anticipate having children, but not miscarriages. We expect golden anniversaries, but not divorces. We look forward to milestones and accomplishments, but we never daydream about funerals. We hope for laughter, but we don’t foresee all the tears. Intrinsic to James’ instruction is the need to live every day to the fullest. Simply put, if you’re always waiting for tomorrow, you might be terribly disappointed when it arrives.

There is a Brevity to Life

Even worse, though, than the uncertainty of life is its brevity. The Scripture compares our time on earth to a vapor that appears for just brief time. We are like the morning dew that is gone by noon. Like steam from a stove that disappears in an instant. One day you’re young, the next day you’re old. One day you start your first job, the next day you’re retiring. No matter how much we try, we cannot slow time down.

If we aren’t careful, our best plans will slip away from us and never materialize. Most of us fall victim to the lie that we have all the time in the world to turn our good intentions into reality. Thus, James 4:16 adds, “As it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil.” Regarding our relationship with God, these deceptions can be devastating. We often comfort ourselves with time we may not have.

I’ll get serious about my walk with God—tomorrow.

I’ll read my Bible and pray more—tomorrow.

I’ll share my faith with my friend—tomorrow.

I’ll take my church membership more seriously—tomorrow.

I’ll serve my community more—tomorrow.

Unfortunately, as the old song says, far too often tomorrow never comes. Every second, 3 people die. Every minute, 180 people die. Every hour, 11,000 people die. Every day, 260,000 people die. Every year, 95 million people die. Most of these people had one thing in common—they never thought it would happen to them. Even as you read these words, you might be thinking, “You tell THEM, pastor!”

What is the lesson here for all of us?

The time to know God, love God, and serve God is NOW. Any priorities we are putting off until later need to move up on our to-do list. And if I may, can I tell you what God wants most from you? Scripture admonishes us that today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2). And what does this mean? Today is the day to call on the name of the Lord and be saved (Rom. 10:13).

Saved from what, you ask? In a word—sin. Romans 3:23 declares, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” and Romans 6:23 explains, “the wages of sin is death.” So, today is the day to look upon Christ who died on the cross and was raised from the dead in order to take our sins away. In fact, Romans 10:9 celebrates, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Why not give your life to Jesus, today?

Adam B. Dooley
January 6, 2025

Are New Year Resolutions Helpful?

By Future, Sanctification, Uncategorized, Will of God, Worry No Comments

Should Christians make New Year’s resolutions? While no such biblical requirement is explicit, Scripture does admonish us to contemplate our lives and commit them to the Lord (Prov 16:9). We are told to set our minds on things above (Col. 3:2) and to put our immoralities to death (Col. 3:5) while pursuing compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience (Col. 3:12). Admittedly, none of these aims are date specific, but adopting any of God’s commandments is always a good place to start for those eager to improve the overall quality of their lives.

We should acknowledge, however, that many of our new commitments can quickly fall by the wayside. Research out of the University of Minnesota suggests that 80 percent of our resolutions don’t survive past Valentine’s Day. Our aspirational lists include goals of exercising more, getting organized, and being a better friend. We dream of gaining more knowledge, worrying less, and living each day to the fullest. Practical ambitions like shedding a few pounds, saving money, and career success also woo us. Christians often envision sharing their faith, reading their Bibles, and spending daily time in prayer. Yet, for most these milestones won’t become a reality.

So why do so many of us fail? And what can we do about it? Though a single explanation may not exist, over the years I have come to believe that unrealistic expectations and goals derail even the best of intentions. Generally, we overestimate what we can accomplish in one year and we underestimate what we can achieve in five years. So, instead of transforming yourself into a giant in the field of your interest, focus instead on the long game of slower but lasting transformation.

Christians, for example, can focus on how we face the future instead of what the future holds. Tucked away in Proverbs 3:5-6 are the keys to a consistent, meaningful strategy for facing whatever 2025 might bring. The text simply says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Notice the three helpful guidelines within these words that can redirect the trajectory of our lives over time.

One, trust God completely. Trusting the Lord bears the idea of putting your full weight upon Him. Doing so with all your heart requires the totality of your being. The first step of walking with God is relying upon Him fully. Refusing to lean on your own understanding is an unwillingness to be wise in your own eyes. It means we trust what God says more than whatever we think or feel that might be contrary to Scripture. These steps of faith liberate us from the anxiety of carrying our burdens alone. We should live believing God’s Word will continue to be true; God’s way will continue to be best; and God’s work will continue to be important. Learn to trust Him no matter what comes your way this year.

Two, acknowledge God always. The purpose of every human life is to make much of God by living for Him rather than ourselves. Acknowledging God means that we are always pondering what He desires or what He is doing in every situation. Socially, financially, professionally, recreationally, and vocationally—in ALL our ways we are to look for and submit to God’s will for our lives. It’s true about big things like where we live, whom we marry, or what career path we choose. But it’s also the goal with the small, seemingly mundane parts of life as well, things like how we use our time, how we treat other people, and what food we put into our bodies. How would our lives be different, even better, if we simply sought to make much of God in every place, every day of 2025?

Three, follow God’s plan. The promise that the Lord will make our paths straight is conditional. When we trust Him always and acknowledge Him continually, God’s plan for our lives unfolds without interruption. Most of the world lives with the mantra, “I will do whatever I want to do.” Many well-meaning Christians make decisions with a spiritual twist, “I do what I think I ought to do.” A better way, though, is the commitment, “I will do whatever God leads me to do.” Intrinsic to living this way is a settled conviction that God has a plan for every person’s life. Through the pages of Scripture, the accountability of a church family, and the counsel of godly friends, the Lord makes His direction plain for those eager to follow.

Foundational to all these commitments is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the doorway to trusting God, the way to acknowledge God, and the first step down the narrow road of walking with God. My prayer for you, and all in our community, is that you will experience God’s best in the coming year.

Happy New Year!

Adam B. Dooley
December 29, 2024

Our Common Problem

By Christian Living, Discipleship, Faithfulness, Grace, Peace, Sanctification, Sin, Uncategorized No Comments

The small town of Centralia, Pennsylvania, is dying. Literally. A place that used to be home to over 1,000 residents reported a population of just five people in the 2020 census. But why are people fleeing the quaint community? For years the town has been home to several underground coal mines. Unexpectedly, in 1962, a fire began in one of those mines that is still aflame today. Beneath the surface, a hidden inferno is still consuming a particularly slow-burning type of coal that experts expect to simmer for another 250 years! Both the depth and the heat of the fire make it impossible to put out.

As a result, there are hot spots, buckled highways, and parched grass. Most of the buildings in Centralia have already collapsed. Residents permitted to stay are under a court order not to pass their property down to the next generation. The fire and gases are destroying everything good about the hidden borough three hours west of New York City.

Temptation is like that. Deep within all of us at an unseen level there is a burning desire to rebel against God. The fires of enticement want to consume everything good and holy in your life, sometimes even resulting in an abandoned walk with God. No matter how hard we try, the fires of temptation will burn throughout the entirety of our lives.

Most people respond to temptation in one of three ways. Some will just give in to it and reason, “If it feels good do it!” Others will fight hard against it but repeatedly lose the battle. These are those who yield to sin, feel guilty for doing so, and vow to never succumb again, only to renege hours or days later. But some will overcome temptation by the grace of Jesus Christ. Obviously, most want to be in the latter category. But how do we get there? Let me suggest three realities about temptation we must recognize in order to be victorious.


The Bible says in 1 Cor. 10:13a: No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man. That means all people everywhere will face temptation. We need to admit that none of us are exempt from the allurement of sin. Furthermore, temptation in and of itself is not sinful if we do not yield to it.

• Adam and Eve were tempted in the Garden of Eden.
• Israel was tempted in the wilderness.
• David was tempted in the palace.
• Peter was tempted in Jerusalem.
• Even Jesus was tempted in the desert.

The commonness of temptation also means that our allurements are not unique. Regardless of how we feel, there is nothing new under the sun. You are not the only person who in the history of the world who has struggled with whatever is seducing your heart.


The Bible goes on to say that God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it (1 Cor. 10:13b). We often mistakenly assume that those who do not give into temptation know nothing of its power. The opposite is really true. Those who surrender to temptation the most actually know the least about the full burden and challenge it brings. We yield to what pulls our heart away from God because of the desire to find relief from our struggle. When we resist, though, the battle persists with annoyances that do not go away. Yet, this is the narrow road God calls believers to walk. We won’t always succeed in our efforts, but victory rather than defeat should be the pattern of our lives.


If we are to endure in faith, we should always be looking for the way escape when we are tempted. The idea is not the God will help us to avoid temptations, but that He will walk with us through them, helping us to persevere. Sometimes we give the false impression that if a Christian loves God, all their previous worldly inclinations will immediately disappear. While some experience that kind of dramatic deliverance, what is more common is the daily battle to resist lifestyles that on contrary to God’s design.

The way of escape is trusting God who promises to help us overcome. It means allowing the Lord, not the culture, to define right and wrong for us. It means that sometimes we run away from people, situations, or circumstances that cause us to stumble. It means we proactively fill our minds with Scripture, remind ourselves of the gospel, and seek the Lord in prayer. It means that we recall how vulnerable we are and continually pledge our hearts to Christ. The question is not will God provide a way of escape to prevent our waywardness, but will we be looking for it instead?

Adam B. Dooley
November 19, 2024

Passing the Gospel Baton

By Discipleship, Evangelism, Sanctification No Comments

Chances are you’ve never heard of Ed. Years ago he paced back and forth outside of Holton’s Shoe Store in Boston. The reason for his angst was the 18-year-old store clerk who worked inside that had been attending his Sunday School Class. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Ed felt compelled to share his faith with the young man. His doubts, however, ravaged his good intentions with uncertainty.

What if he won’t listen to me?
What if he finds me pushy?
What if he throws me out?

Any serious Christian can relate to fears like these. Sharing our faith with others can be one of the more intimidating disciplines of Christianity. Thankfully, Ed mustered up his courage, walked into the store and declared, “I have come to tell you how much Christ loves you.” The two men talked for several minutes before, in a moment of commitment, the young man kneeled in prayer as he called out to Christ for salvation.

Ed Kimball never preached the gospel to millions, but his efforts to be faithful in that single moment left a profound legacy on the world. That teenage store clerk, you see, was an impressionable D.L. Moody, who went on to become the 19th century’s most influential evangelist and founder of the Moody Church, Moody Bible Institute, and Moody Press in Chicago. His ministry also influenced a soon to be Presbyterian minister, J. Wilbur Chapman, who joined Moody in guiding a professional baseball player named Billy Sunday to pursue the calling as well.

Sunday’s preaching in Charlotte, North Carolina was so powerful in 1924 that the Charlotte Businessman’s Club was born. Ten year later, the same organization invited a minister named Mordecai Ham to preach revival services, resulting in another impressionable 18-year-old’s conversion to Christ and calling to ministry. His name? Billy Graham.

Can you imagine how different the world would be if Ed Kimball never found the courage to entrust the gospel to that young shoe clerk in Boston? A single, unknown believer touched the world for Christ simply because of his willingness to share with others what he received from the Lord. Believers today share the same charge as Christ commissions us to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19-20).

The Apostle Paul echoes the same theme as he writes to Timothy, his protégé in the ministry. “The things you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who are able to teach others also (2 Tim. 2:2).” The clear priority here is making sure that the gospel passes from one generation to the next. Thus, discipleship is not a ministry of the church, but THE MINISTRY of the church. As God strengthens us with His grace, we should work heard to empower others with same gospel.

So where should we begin?

First, the priority of a soldier invites us. Using the illustration of a soldier, Scripture beckons us to be willing to suffer for the sake of the gospel (2 Tim. 2:3). Think about the tremendous sacrifices those who don their country’s uniform face. They endure harsh conditions away from the people they love, all while putting their lives at risk. Thus, if we are serious about making disciples, we must accept that the work will be difficult.

To stay on task, we should always remember that a good soldier serves with the single purpose of pleasing his commanding officer (2 Tim. 2:3). In a similar way, our goal should never be to please men, but God who examines our hearts (1 Thess. 2:4). Doing so requires avoiding worldly entanglements that distract us from our primary mission of stewarding the gospel well.

Second, the precision of an athlete inspires us. Turning to the world of athletics, Paul next emphasizes the need to play by the rules if we are to succeed in God’s mission. Like an athlete battling for a prize, we must compete according to the rules (2 Tim. 2:5). True competitors familiarize themselves with the agreed standards of play through diligent study and repetitious practice. Likewise, Christians must pursue godliness through reading and obeying Holy Scripture. Versions of Christianity that undermine or contradict the Bible may appeal to many, but they are anything but Christian. Cutting biblical corners will disqualify even those with the best of intentions from serving the Lord.

Third, the patience of a farmer instructs us. In what may be my favorite example of all, Scripture reminds us that making disciples is only possible when you realize that doing so requires the patience of farmer working a field (2 Tim. 2:6). Just think about how much forbearance bringing in an abundant harvest requires. The farmer must wait for winter to end. He plows and plants, then he waits some more. He waters the seed, and then waits. He covers the crops when the frost comes, and then he waits. He waits knowing how the season works. He waits believing that the harvest will come. And He waits trusting that his hard work will pay off.

Then, one day, the harvest does indeed come in and, in that moment, the sacrifice of waiting is well worth it. Before the farmer’s food feeds your family, it covers his table. Before his cotton covers your back, it fills his closet. His vegetables will occupy jars in his cupboard before they line the shelves of your pantry in cans. The meat from his livestock will load his freezer before it replenishes yours. And rightly so, because the hardworking farmer ought to be the first to receive his share of the crops.

So, let’s keep making disciples. Let’s keep the main thing the main thing. No matter how much you sacrifice, no matter how long it takes, and no matter how long you must wait, you’ll be glad that you did.

Adam B. Dooley
November 14, 2024

Do we need to talk about sin?

By Christian Living, Sanctification, Sin No Comments

Do we need to talk about sin?

The older I get the more I see shadows of my father in the things I do and enjoy. Whether it’s the gait with which I walk, my general suspicion of politics, or my obsession with some details and my apathy for others, you don’t have to be around me very long to recognize that I am my father’s son. Another enduring trait passed down from my dad is my unexplainable affection for the Andy Griffith Show.

One of my all-time favorite scenes, likely because of my role as a pastor, takes place in Mayberry’s All Souls Church. After singing a familiar hymn, Dr. Hobart Tucker stood and announced his good friend, Dr. Everett Breen, as the guest pulpiteer for the day. As the visiting preacher delivers his message, both Gomer Pyle and Barney Fife fight the nagging urge to doze off during the service.

Admittedly, the theme of slowing down and relaxing was partly to blame for the sermon’s hypotonic effect. The humorous punch line, however, came as people greeted the minister at the door of the church while leaving, voicing what a masterpiece his words were. Though Dr. Breen never mentioned the subject, Barney interjected, “That’s one subject you can’t talk enough about—sin!”

As we think about becoming more like our Heavenly Father, sin is the one issue we cannot afford to ignore. Few people enjoy the topic, and many choose to ignore the matter of our waywardness entirely. Yet, the Apostle Peter states plainly, “As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy (1 Peter 1:14-16).”

While the Bible does not teach that we are born again because of good works, it does emphasize that life change is the greatest evidence that a person truly knows God. Remaining in sin while following Jesus is much like remaining in a tempestuous sea with hopes of not drowning. Thus, the way of the cross is forsaking our old way of life, along with its wicked encumbrances, to follow the path of holiness. Just as earthly children inherit the nature and characteristics of their earthly parents, Christians will necessarily become more like our heavenly Father who is holy and righteous.

Those who are outside of Christ are by nature children of wrath who continually indulge in the desires of the flesh (Eph. 2:3). But those who experience salvation by grace through faith become partakers of a divine nature whereby we escape the corruption of this world (2 Pet. 1:4). All of this simply means that because God is holy, if we are pursuing Him, we, too, will become more and more holy. No wonder Jesus admonished us to let our light shine before others so that they will see our good works, dare I say our holy lives, and glorify our Father in heaven who is also holy (Matt. 5:16).

Mere legalism can never accomplish our call to sanctified living. Outward expressions of faith must be born out of inward commitment to the Lord. The psalmist encourages, “Give the Lord the glory due His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Ps. 29:2).” In fact, our best efforts to worship God apart from repentance over sin will inevitably fall flat. We must lift up holy hands, without wrath and doubting (1 Tim. 2:8). Even prayer is impossible if we refuse to reckon with the iniquities in our hearts (Ps. 66:18).

Why does all this talk of holiness matter? Simply put, salvation is costly. God does not redeem us with perishable things like silver or gold, nor the futile way of life that is so common all around us, but with precious blood of his unblemished and spotless Son, Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 1:18-19). The Savior who died on a cross for the sins of this world is not a good way, or even the best way to heaven. Jesus is THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN.

Do people recognize you as a Christian? Do others see the God the Father in you? Does your lifestyle accurately reveal the nature and character of God? Following the One who is holy means that we, too, become more and more holy as each day passes.