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Why Did Jesus Tell Us to Mourn?

By Christian Living, Comfort, Grief, Mourning, Repentance, Sin No Comments

Though making an annual trip to St. Jude Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee admittedly causes a certain amount of anxiety, there is no greater feeling than hearing that my son remains cancer free after a decade since being treated for leukemia. We praise the Lord each year after learning that his scans are clear, just as we did all those years ago when we first heard the word remission.

This trip felt different though, because of our visit with a beautiful little girl from our city who is just beginning the same journey we traveled back then. Her parents were strong and optimistic, but their tired eyes told on them. When we walked into that little hospital room, I immediately felt the same fears and anxieties that plagued me on the day cancer rocked our world for the first time.

I still remember the musky smell of the room. Cartoon characters decorated wood paneled walls and bundles of children’s books were on both sides of our chairs as we waited. When the doctor walked in, her facial expression communicated great concern. Bracing for the worst, I knew deep down that whatever came next would not be good. “I wish I had better news,” said the doctor, “but I believe your son has leukemia.”

As we talked with this family about navigating three years of chemotherapy, I realized that the backdrop of my son’s joyful news from earlier was coming to grips with the painful reality from his toddler years. Or, you could say that we had to receive the BAD NEWS of his diagnosis in order to receive and appreciate the GOOD NEWS of his health now. Ignoring his condition was never an option. Our soaring joyfulness today is proportional to the depth of our trepidation then.

Ironically, Jesus echoed the same pattern about our spiritual condition. The Bible teaches that the gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for any who will call upon the name of the Lord to be saved (Rom. 10:13). Welcoming the gift of His grace, however, requires admitting that our sin falls short of God’s expectation for our lives (Rom. 3:23). Denying our wickedness is equal to rejecting the divine cure.

The subject of sin is almost always controversial because ours is an age that resists any notions of absolute truth, much less concepts of right and wrong. Because much of our world mocks and dismisses scriptural norms, labeling Christian morality as hate speech is a common ad hominem tactic used to avoid biblical assertions. Added to these external factors is our internal struggle to frame calls to repentance as an affront to personal autonomy. Simply put, we don’t want to talk about sin, even to the point of resenting any brave soul willing to do so.

Even worse for some, is the idea that we should feel guilt or shame over any of our lifestyle choices. One weakness of the American Church is our eagerness to falsely associate jovial, lightheartedness with Christianity itself. We want greeting card theology, picture perfect smiles, unlimited optimism, and painless sacrifice. Prizing carefree thoughtlessness is our best effort to avoid guilt trips and low self-esteem. Sadly, the result is often a watered-down gospel that minimizes wickedness while celebrating superficial expressions of faith.

Jesus taught just the opposite. Blessed are those who mourn, He said, for they shall be comforted (Matt. 5:4). These words are not a call to grim cheerlessness. Neither are they intended to reassure us regarding life’s burdens and trials. Though there is much in our lives to grieve over, the focus here is not the hardships we necessarily endure. Instead, Jesus is teaching us exactly how to respond when we stray from Him.

The prophetic words of the psalmist serve as the background of this Beatitude (See Psalm 61:1-3). There, Judah mourned over their exile to Babylon, which was the severe consequence for their waywardness. Seeking to make the same application for believers today, Jesus is challenging us to lament, weep, and mourn due to the weight of our transgressions. We should mourn that our sins offend our holy God. We should mourn that we are so easily enticed by temptation. And we should mourn over the sins that blind and enslave the people we love.

Such a message is rarely popular, but according to Jesus, it is a blessing that leads to comfort. Learning to grieve over what causes grief is the first step toward healing and restoration (James 4:9). In fact, God promises to . .  .

  • Comfort us with the relief of His forgiveness (1 John 1:9).
  • Comfort us with the joy of our salvation (Psalm 51:12).
  • Comfort us with the freedom of His presence (2 Cor. 3:17).
  • Comfort us with a hope for our future (Jer. 29:11).

In addition to these present realities, God promises the eternal comfort of His people in the place called heaven. He assures us of a future home where righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13), where He wipes all tears from our eyes (Rev. 21:4), and where death is swallowed up for all time (Isa. 25:8-9). In other words, weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning (Psa. 30:5).

None of us enjoy sorrow, and it is always difficult to admit when we are wrong. Yet, when we understand lament as an opportunity, our lives change for the better. The Apostle Paul explained, “I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us (2 Cor. 7:9).”

No wonder Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

Adam B. Dooley
January 16, 2024

Hurricanes, Floods, and Lies We Believe

By Grace, Repentance, Tragedy, Trials No Comments

Hurricanes, Floods, and Lies We Believe

Looking at the photos is not for the faint of heart. A weeping couple in Florida embraces over the rubble that used to be their home. Traffic stalls on I-40 in North Carolina due to missing pieces of the interstate after excessive rain and mudslides. An engulfed Nolichucky Dam in east Tennessee weathers twice the amount of water that flows over Niagara Falls. Overturned vehicles, floating houses, and leveled communities spanning over 600 miles are all clues that Hurricane Helene was no ordinary storm.

The state of Florida absorbed the initial brunt of the barrage as 140 mph winds first ravaged the Big Ben region, leaving splintered lives and busted power grids from Naples all the way up to Tallahassee. Next, Georgia suffered what Governor Brian Kemp described as a bomb that appeared to go off as Helene continued to march north, wreaking havoc from Valdosta over to Augusta.

Though the deadly hurricane soon downgraded to a tropical storm, unprecedented flooding persisted in upending the lives of people in South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Meteorologists estimate that 40 trillion gallons of rain fell on the southeast, an amount so staggering that some refer to it as apocalyptic. ABC News equates that much water with emptying Lake Tahoe entirely or filling the Dallas Cowboys’ AT&T Stadium 51,000 times.

These floodwaters weigh a staggering 1700 pounds per cubic yard, causing immense damage as they descend from the saturated mountains of Appalachia. At the time of this writing, 400 roads remain closed in North Carolina. Over 130 people have died, and hundreds remain missing. Focusing rebuilding efforts is difficult because the needs are so great. The lasting impact from this once in a lifetime storm will be generational.

Nearly everyone is sympathetic toward those who are facing devestating loss due to Hurricane Helene. Rallying one another to support disaster relief work during a time like this is not a burden because most people are genuinely eager to help. There are unfortunate exceptions, however. Even as rains continued to fall over parts of the southeast, a former University of Kentucky staffer had the audacity to suggest that the storm might be God’s way of punishing MAGA populations for their hate and hypocrisy. Despite initially doubling down on her vile comments with even more offensive rhetoric, the self-described feminist poet eventually took her social media posts down.

I do not mean to suggest that only one side of the political aisle spews reckless remarks like these. Both the right and the left have an unspoken underbelly that we must be careful to resist despite its subtlety. Sometimes, when catastrophe strikes, we might instinctively place people into the categories of being deserving or undeserving of calamity. In other words, those in the path of the storm must have deserved it, and those outside its reach did not.

Thankfully, Jesus addressed this air of superiority that routinely plagues our perspective of tragedy. When the unthinkable happened south of Jerusalem in a place called Siloam, our Savior asked, “Do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem? (Luke 13:4)” Certainly, this burden was different than a hurricane, but the principle regarding the afflicted remains the same.

To state Jesus’ inquiry differently, did the people in Siloam deserve to die? Where those people more wicked than you? By asking the question Jesus is highlighting our temptation to insist on the moral culpability of others while denying our own. We erroneously equate our safety with our perceived righteousness while assuming the demise of others is the consequence for their wickedness.

Jesus is not denying that tragedies of any kind can be acts of judgment, but He is insisting that it is not our job to discern what God is doing or to excuse ourselves from moral responsibility. We should never feel puffed up simply because bad things do not happen to us. God’s mercy, not our sinlessness, keeps us safe each day. The problems we face in life are not always reflective of our position before God. Don’t forget that Old Testament character Job suffered because He was righteous, or the opposite of what we would suspect (Job 1:8).

Do you secretly find pleasure in the misfortunes of other people, especially those you don’t care for? When you hear that someone has cancer, do you wonder if they had it coming? If you learn of someone losing their job, do you assume he deserved it? Is your attitude toward the family with a rebellious child that they must be terrible parents?

Jesus pushed back against such distorted thinking with a piercing declaration and instruction, “I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish (Luke 13:5).” From God’s perspective, hardship is sometimes as much about the casual observer as the person who is hurting. Has it ever occurred to you that God might use sweeping devastation, not to punish the immoral, but to challenge wayward spectators in need of repentance? The point of Jesus’ story is not about those who died, but those who remained.

Scripture clearly teaches that every person is a sinner who will face death as a result (Rom. 3:23, 6:23). Thus, Jesus insists “you will ALL likewise perish” apart from repentance. Eternal life requires our turning away from sin in order to follow Christ in faith. Thus, no tragedy should be an occasion to boast, but is instead, an opportunity to remember that God is merciful despite our sin rather than due to its absence. The burdens of others are an invitation to repent of our rebellion rather than laud our righteousness.

Adam B. Dooley

October 1, 2024